

The College Department is committed:

1. to guide the students in the total development of their personalities based on Christian Catholic moral values;
2. to lead the students to respond to the call of renewed evangelization of the gospel values;
3. to engage and guide the students in the discussions of the contemporary social, political, economic, cultural, moral and other issues so that they become sensitive and responsive to the changing needs of their environment;
4. to produce competent professionals who value quality service and management;
5. to develop appreciation, pride and love for the rich Filipino cultural heritage and strengthen nationalism among the students; and
6. to enhance research capabilities which help improve the quality of life of the Filipino people.

A. Objectives by Courses


This is a four-year degree program which aims to prepare students to teach in elementary and secondary education levels. This program also provides the students with necessary teaching exposures that will equip them to become effective teachers.

The program aims to develop students who will be able to:

a. demonstrate the skills and competencies in the resourceful and meaningful teaching of English, Filipino, Mathematics, and Science;
b. apply the principles, theories, skills, attitudes and values learned in living a Christian life and in molding a responsible, enlightened and progressive citizenry;
c. deepen their love for Christ and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessed Mother Rivier in order to effect educational reformation and redirection in the youth especially the less fortunate;
d. show self-discipline and self-direction in maintaining professional dignity and in preserving the rich and noble Filipino cultural heritage;
e. practice proficiency in the language of instruction both in English and in Filipino;
f. possess interest and capability for research to become authentic, quality and scholarly graduates of teacher education; and
g. participate actively in the evangelization program of the institution.


This is a four-year degree program which envisions to produce graduates who are equipped with knowledge and skills in oral and written communications through intensive academic instruction and exposure to the different forms of media thereby making them eligible for employment.


The program aims to develop students who will be able to:

a. participate actively in the evangelization program of the institution;

b. develop their total personality;
c. demonstrate competent leadership intellectually and spiritually; and
d. show social consciousness and respond to the needs of their neighbors and the community.


This is a four-year degree program which aims to help students become professionals who will practice authentic Christian values and attitudes in the fields of Human Resource Development Management, Financial Management and Marketing Management.

Furthermore, it aims to contribute to the business world in their own field of specialization leaders who are imbued with the Christian spirit of honesty, fairness and justice and citizens who are committed in promoting national progress.

The program aims to develop students who will be able to:

a. attain a common foundation of knowledge and understanding concerning business through the core programs;
b. possess qualities and skills essential for future business leadership and organizational success;
c. address contemporary issues such as global competition;
d. quality improvement, good governance and leadership in organizations and various environmental forces which are the key components of global economy;
e. undergo sufficient exposure program to relate academic;
f. instructions to the realities of organizational affiliations and of the business world; and
g. participate in academic-related activities that would enhance their capabilities for future employment.


This is a four-year degree program which aims to train students to design, develop, implement, support or manage computer-based information systems particularly software applications and computer hardware.

The program aims to develop students who will be able to:

a. practice their computer skills in building a computer-oriented environment that is nature and people friendly;
b. provide community assistance in the field of information technology through its community extension service;
c. update their knowledge on the trends in information technology through constant and active participation in IT related events, seminars, trainings and educational tours;
d. establish professional and student-based linkages with IT-oriented institutions;
e. become globally competitive IT professionals who will continue to uphold the standards of the school in the use of information technology; and
f. make use of their computer skills in making Jesus Christ known and loved.



The Saint Peter’s College of Toril is a Catholic school committed to provide renewed integral religious education to help the whole person live a Christ-like life.

Religious education (ReEd) is the core subject in the school curricula, which initiates leadership in the integration of teaching and living the Gospel values in all disciplines to contribute to social transformation.

Through this program, the SPCT fulfills the Church’s mission of integral evangelization with preferential option for the poor.
In ReEd as a discipline, the students are expected to:

a. translate their understanding of the theological facts and principles of Christianity into a Christo-centric and Marian faith-life response to their day-to-day life;
b. show concern for the physical, social, moral and spiritual welfare of others especially the less fortunate of God’s children; and
c. set-up a domestic “Church” in their own respective communities and become a church of communion in truth and in deeds.


a. possess their own philosophy of Education based on the virtues of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary;
b. practice a well-balanced activity of study, work and leisure;
c. show creativity and resourcefulness in using innovative methods and techniques; and
d. become competent Christian educators with the mission of evangelizing students entrusted to them.


Marketing Management as a discipline aims to:

a. seek employment and entry level jobs as marketing
b. managers;
c. organize and manage entrepreneurial activities effectively
d. and efficiently;
e. apply properly their knowledge on the principles and f. concepts of marketing; and
g. respond to the current needs by providing technical skills and competencies in the marketing areas.


Financial Management as a discipline, envisions to:

a. prepare the students to possess a strong foundation on theory, principles and concepts that would provide a sound and competitive basis for financial decision making;
b. produce globally competitive graduates for careers in
c. financial departments; and
d. assume confidently responsibilities such as financial analysts, financial managers or executives.


Human Resource Management as a discipline, aims to:

a.prepare the HRM students by making them understand the different concepts, principles and theories in Human Resource Development Management;

b.make the students realize the importance of the function of the Human Resource department in every organization and how he/ she as a potential member of the team can contribute to make one’s organization become globally competitive; and

c. assist students in seeking employment and facilitate their integration in the corporate environment by encouraging them to be creative and be productive in this chosen field.



1. Must pass the entrance examination
2. Card (H.S.)
3. Good Moral Certificate
4. Police Clearance
5. NSO Birth Certificate
6. NSO Marriage Contract
(if married women)
7. I.D. Picture 1×1 (3pcs)


1. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credential
2. SPR / TOR for Evaluation
3. Good Moral Certificate
4. Police Clearance
5. NSO Birth Certificate
6. NSO Marriage Contract
(if married women)
7. I.D. Picture 1×1 (3pcs)